Title Research Websites

   Hello queens and kings. How is it going for you. Anyways it's time to get on to the topic at hand which is title research. My teacher gave out two websites to look at. The websites are Art of the Title and Watch the Title. The reason why I'm researching these websites is to get a better know how on what I should do for my film that I'm going to make.  

 Art of the Title Website: https://www.artofthetitle.com/

     The first website I searched for was Art of the Title. When looking at it the art captivated me making me want to look further into it. So the First thing that I did was scrolling down and I saw a bunch of titles. I also saw some grey tabs that say About, News, Titles, Features, Designers, Studios and Sponsorship. Looking at those tabs I choose to look at Titles, Designers, and Studios. When clicking on Titles it shows a bunch of movies films and TV series but it can be confusing to know what if the titles are from either a movie or a TV series. Next, it's the Designers tab which just shows a bunch of designers that work in the film industry. Then I noticed that on top it shows a tab that says 'Designers + Studios' which makes it easier to look at all the studios and designers. So the last thing left to do was look at the studios. Oh, I also saw another tab called 'Title Sequences' making it also easier to look at the films this website has.

Watch the Titles Website: https://www.watchthetitles.com/

    The next website is watch the titles. When looking at it, it did not captivate me like the first website did. Then when scrolling down I saw how organized it was as it labeled tabs like Feature film, TV shows, Event titles, Student projects, Video games, and French Fridays. This made this appear way more organized than Art of the Title website. Oh, I also forgot to mention that it shows the directors name and picture above the tabs and I only realized that when I clicked on one of the directors and read about her. When clicking on Feature films it showed a bunch of films and to be honest I like the films they chose to put on their website. Then it was time for the TV shows and it showed 9 TV shows which is a very small amount. Also just like Art of the Title it also shows Title Sequences, Designers, and Studios tabs on the top.

 Well, that's all I wanted to say about this. Bye queens and kings have a good day tomorrow. 

                                                                                                        Sincerely, Shabriana Chevelon
