Heartbreak Anniversary Convention

Hello, queens and kings, it's me and were back again. Today is all about the research of what they used in the music of the three songs listed below:

 Heartbreak Anniversary by Giveon

Cams and Mis en Scene

  • In this one, we were all about the feels. The song talks about the pain of leaving a relationship you thought was forever and still reminiscing about it. So, the video had a lot of black and white scenes to show those contrasting emotions. There were a load of close-shots and those two-shots of the characters, and you could practically feel the sadness oozing from the screen. And don't even get me started on those over-the-shoulder shots during the arguments - intense, right?


  • We also noticed that they played around with camera effects like low lighting, tracking shot, and zoom-ins to show the ups and downs in the relationship. After watching these vids, we were like, "Yep, we want some of that in our music video!"

  •  In this music video there was a lot of diegetic sounds of dialogue between the characters that the audience could not hear. 
Song: Can We Talk by Tevin Campbell
  • Now, this one had a bit of a brighter vibe. They went all in with those close-up shots of Trevin Campbell and his love interest to make us feel their emotions. Lighting tricks, camera angles, and some romantic scene - they had it all. Oh, and those fade-ins and outs? Totally added to the heartfelt emotions. 
Mis en Scene
  • Fashion-wise, they took us back to the early '90s, showing off those trends. It was like a time machine, and it had us thinking, "Fashion inspo, anyone?" And let's not forget about the locations - city streets, parks - they had 'em all to keep things visually interesting.
  • The music video takes us through a story with the editing. It would go from narrative shots with Tevin to two shots with is romantic interest.
  • In this music video there were scenes where Tevin would be having dialogue with his romantic interest.

Song: Broken Clocks By SZA
  • This music is on the livelier side and at the end it showed a dark turn because it is about her being super busy with work and just going home right after, it is also about her not having enough time for a relationship or entertaining anyone and also her running away from her day job because of the job she has at night. All these events went into some of the camera angles as they used multiple angles such as wide shot to show a background of a camp then turned into a close up of her waking up. It also shot reverse shot as it first showed a close up of a bunch of kids playing then to a random girl alone busing herself with her work.

Mis en scene
  • The used some props in the music video such as a bus, van, toy arrows a bow, and also a dartboard to show that she is detached from all the fun activities because of her job. 

  • They used tracking a lot to represent how tired and busy she is from her hectic schedule. They also used zoom in and out to show a boy and people playing around without her to show that she does not have the time for any of that.
  • It also used diegetic sound at the beginning and the end when a girl said wake up and at the end, we realized everything was a dream and she was at her job and the person at the camp that said wake up was just another coworker
Well that all for today see you again soon.

                                          From, Shabriana Chevelon
