Production Blog - Final Filming and Editing
Hello, queens and kings nice to meet you again. As I mentioned before I will change some scenes if I don't like it. So, the scenes I will change are that I would get water in the second scene instead of the third scene. In the water scene it will show me walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge then the close shot, pan movement and everything else will stay the same. In the third scene it will be the manga take. What changed is nothing to be honest. In the last scene it will be me watching K-Drama. I wanted you to hear a bit of the K-drama I was watching so I added that in my scene. The K-pop scene was just fine so I didn't change anything. Never mind, I misspoke I actually added something which was a take of me watching the K-Pop. To make sure the scenes look the same I made sure to put on the same clothes so it would look like I did it on the same day.
Now it's time to add the voice over in some scenes. But there is a major problem which is that I don't know how to add my voice over in scenes. So, to figure out how to do that I simply searched it up. Now that I know what to do, I was able to put a voice over on my shot. Another problem was that I did not know how to edit the scene into one video, so I searched up how to. When I searched it up it was very understanding but to get a better demonstration, I watched a video to understand it better. Well bye queens and kings, it was lovely of you to read my blog. See you again soon.
From yours truly, Shabriana Chevelon
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