Editing Continuation

       Hello queens and kings. How was your day yesterday? I hope it was good. Anyways enough small talk, it's time to get serious. It is what you've all been waiting for... the continuation of the things I told Giovannia to remove to make some more time since it was still past the time limit. Me and Mariajose told her to remove some of the fighting scenes. Since it was a fighting scene, I simply thought that the viewers can already see that they are fighting so it would make sense to remove some of the parts of the fighting scene. In the end she chose to remove some of the things me and Mariajose proposed. There were some other things she had problems with. That problem was she didn't know how to make the credit roll. Just like in the movies when the credit screen moves up. So, I told her I didn't know how but I could watch a video and tell he what to o or just do it myself. Ater watching a video she wasn't there so as the hardworking person I am I decided to do some other work. In the mist of my work, I forgot to tell her what to do so she ended up asking the teacher for help. Lesson learned. I will write a note to myself whenever I want to help someone, and they are gone and I'm doing something else. Well, it seems that's all I did. I know it was short but It's better than sitting there and doing nothing and letting my whole group handle everything. Bye, queens and kings. Have a good day and be safe out there.

                                                                                         Sincerely, Shabriana Chevelon
