Production Blog - Gatorade and Manga scene

 Hello, queens and kings, it's so nice to see you again. Now, it's time for the Gatorade and Manga scene.The preps I will need to do in order to get the scene ready, is to put the Gatorade and water in the front of the shelf on the fridge to see a clear view of both the props. So after the prepping is done in the Gatorade scene I will get up and walk to the fridge and show a close shot of the Gatorade and water. Then I will do a pan movement to show that I'm making a decision between the two. To show that I hate the Gatorade I will smack it and pick the water instead. Once I pick the water up the next scene will be of me drinking it. After the drinking scene it will show a shot of me smiling. I will then put a voice over of me explaining why I hate juice. It's a pretty simple reason to be honest.


Finally it's close to the ending or it is the ending scene. In the ending scene it will be about me liking manga. The scene will start with me walking up stairs with water in hand in my room. Once I enter the room I will go to my bed and sit on it as usual when I'm reading something or watching something. Now the problem starts, which is to pick out an interesting manga that I would like to read. To be honest It was quite hard to pick since I read a lot of manga without finishing them because I either want a break or it ongoing. Though It was a hard choice I chose the one that I liked the best which was Superstar From Age 0. To get a better angle of me reading I will ask some to film me as I am reading. Then to show you what I'm actually reading I will get the phone back and place my phone on my lap and get a closer shot of it. Well that's all for now queens and kings.

                                                                                                     From yours truly, Shabriana Chevelon
