Actually, A part of The Scenes

 Hello queens and kings, and we're back with another blog. Hope you had a good day today. Anyways I will be talking about what I actually did in the blog. My character role was the friend of the female lead. So basically, the first scene that I did was informing my best friend, the female lead that her boyfriend was with our friend. Let me tell you we had to do the scene two times because we couldn't see me pointing at them. I was glad about that because I was confused at what timing should I point at the male lead and the fake friend. So, I asked Abimbola when I should point and when I figure out when I did just that. During that scene the male lead had thrown the jacket back at Mariajose, the female lead and that was not a part of the script, and I was shocked. I was so shocked that my mouth was wide open, and it was a good thing that the film did not show that otherwise it would have ruined the video.

I was also in a second scene. So, the second scene was all about giving the female lead a cake to cheer her up from her breakup. I was in charge of giving the cake, so I put the cake under my jacket to hide it. Thank goodness I bought the jacket. The same problem happened in the first scene I just did which was the friend pointing out the male lead and the fake friend together. The problem was ... you must have guessed it; I didn't know when to take the cake out of my jacket. So, again I asked when to take it out. Once I knew when I was ready to start filming. So, once I put the cake on the table me and two other characters where to dig in with a up and then that scene was a wrap. After the scene was over, I did have a little taste of the cake. It was very delicious. Thank you for listening. Have a good day and be safe out there queens and kings.

                                                                                         Sincerely, Shabriana Chevelon
